Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sex Change PhotographerNo1

The net of law is spread so wide,

No sinner from its sweep may hide.

Its meshes are so fine and strong,

They take in every child of wrong.

O! wondorous web of mystery!

Big fish alone escape from thee

J J Roche, the net of law

My life is the autumn leaf

That trembles in the moons pale ray;

Its hold is frail-its date is brief,

Restless, and soon to pass away.

Richard Henry Wilde ,my life

Well I am not a poet, was never trained in fine arts and have no inclination to become one, but I confess words brothers and sisters of words I use, help me and prompt me , I don’t have to shadow box ,and the prompted word fits like ying to a yang.

At the flea market I picked up some fabulous old collections of poets, Christina Rosetti,Elizabeth Barret Browning,and Byron, and Keats,and Shelley.
But never got to reading any one of them, only what I read in school.
My favorite was "When I consider how my life is spent in this dark world and wide,and that one talent which is death to hide".Milton
I guess.Alji is an expert on all this and also astrological compatibility charts,Ribstealer told me since I arrived on the scene at Buzznet all folks even those that are scared of the written word are coming out of their camphor ball filled closets.
And I think poetry even drivel like I use sometimes is the best way of massaging the soul of your loved ones,. not too vigorously or the effect will be prosaic.
And you should no cooking, dont laugh; the way to your lover nowadays is through his uncancerous esophagus and poetry to reaches the destination without getting lost in transit.
And I am sure if I was not a Bollywood Celebrity Tailorman I could have taken up apprentice ship or an understudy to a fraudulent con man of a Godman, raked in lots of moolah,,no Islamic pun intended, but the problem is I am a God abiding and God fearing man.. I don’t want to get even with humanity for having conned me into making a man, and I doubt it would have helped as a woman, imagine Photographer no1 as a woman.. pure fucking disaster the first guy after my ass would be Friar,, next Xris don’t trust him shallow waters run very deep, I think Silver wouldn’t cause me much harm, and Schwetty betty,Betty Deluxe ,Pooodles ,Paqxmito,would love me and would say in unison o Photographerno1 has balls.
Arlosmom Epiphany Mahaayani well we would get along swell woman kind of thing…
Anthony Marc and horny Steve would take me in turns,, no charge for upgrade, I would be uploading my swollen ass from dusk to dawn..And I would never have to go back to my home page,I would be servicing all the guys and a few women for the rest of my life,I think I will take what comes lying down and be Buzznets Photographerno1.
Come to think of it I d rather rot in Alaska then go to Wollongong where again the lupine head will be sticking it into me.
When all this gets over I am going to a shrink...Dr Stevelifegivinsky wouldn’t be of much help.. I must go home or I have a feeling my old lady too will kick my ass all the way to Alaska. its only a click away on my key board.

Thank you, as Wikipedia puts it if you liked this page you can give a donation to save for air fare fund of Photographer no one....Have fun.

Dedicated to The Quixotic 1

photo courtesy

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