Saturday, January 10, 2015

I Shoot Man .. As Living Dead

the concrete cornerstone
beneath his head for his
ailing soul a earthly bed
disillusioned doped
brown sugar serves as
his daily bread .. the cops
dare not touch him in
stony silence to me he
said .. they catch other
innocent scapegoats
instead ,tarnished khaki
by easy money mislead
bag snatchers have a
field day robbing innocent
women getting into rickshas
before the lazy cops can
catch them they have fled

welcome to the city of mumbai
con men fraudster babas rapists
child molesters ..and all the rest

Je Suis Charlie

The Lucky Ones Celebrate Eid The Unlucky One Beg..

the lucky ones
new clothes
fragrance of
musk attar
the beggars
dirty clothes
watching with
envy invoking
allah a few coins sir
but the lucky ones
miserly moments
do not stir perhaps
after the eid namaz
a few coins they
will give to her
the anomaly of
the untouchables of
muslim society as
i took her picture
her life will never
change held within
a blur nothing
but a fistful of
hope to recover

misplaced charity
a misplaced message
left undiscovered

Life Is Nothing But A Rat Race

the poor man crippled
physically challenged
tries to keep pace
from the karmic miseries
no escape ,,caught between
time and space ..outliving
his battered dreams as always
life tells him surrender embrace
your fucked fate gods grace
he continues with the chase

to my dear friend jean louis mazieres
his encouragement his love his praise
i am charlie says god ,, my freedom of speech
you or anyone will never be able too erase
your bullets your hate your evil will perish one day
vermin s you are vermin s you will always remain
a copy of charlie hebdoe ...splattered with bloodstain

The Malang And The Jesuit

one a follower of Jesus
the other a follower of Ali
two diverse spiritual thoughts
but humanity its essence every bit
peace hope harmony universal
conscience a path brightly lit
live and let others live a poignant
after thought closely knit fr jaun
from spain settled in mumbai
at the st peter church bandra
two good friends i must admit
a srange sight to others seeing
a catholic priest and a malang
in a crazy outfit ,,both to the word
of god to truth equality justice submit
in our acts deeds it is humanity that
must finally benefit ,,for the wrong you
do to others dont  make your fate
the culprit ,,
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God.

biblical message to the world transmit
when terror raises it head to be answered equivocally
yes terrorists do have a religion ,, they hate to admit

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