I shoot truth as poetry
on the street walk
my conscience
cannot be silent
through pictures I talk
kissing the soul of misery
barefoot I walk
bald headed bellicosity
upheavals I hawk
showing you street pain
pedestrian pathos
round the clock
hate mongers
racist bigots
narrow minded
monolithic people
on my photo stream
I block
squeezing tears
soaked in blood
from a piece of rock
I am street photographer a beggar poet .. I shoot misery cavorting with hope I shoot original content. I am Shia Sufi Hindu all in One
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Pedestrian Poetry of Pain
The Girl Child Revisited
the girl child
in a male dominated
Muslim society
fatwah toting
the girl child
a burden of an accursed fate
walking a razors edge
her future god alone knows
her existence in society
Woman -Used Abused Refused
man moves away bemused
woman used abused refused
conned bruised and seduced
woman victim and accused
in a mans world woman
totally confused
lying trampled on the floor
woman deflowered and contused
*contused - injured without breaking the skin
My Hallowed Head
shot by Umakant
I asked him to shoot my hallowed head, the seat of my pedestrian knowledge , the fountain of my flowing blood when I cut my head twice a year with a sword during Ashura and Chehlum in Moharam .
seat of my pedestrian knowledge
fountain of my flowing blood
the crucible of chaos
my hallowed head
my poetic human head
every year
during moharam
it has bled
painting the streets
spiritually red
into the gutters
of mumbai
flowing ahead
a protest against yazidiyat
that shall continue
much after I am dead
remembered forever
by my best friend fred
memories of pain
sorrow despair
words of silence
interred in pictures
seen unread
hussain is humanity
a thought embed
Bandra Boy
the camera
as an instrument of peace
I employ
capturing pedestrian pain
pedestrian joy
this planet of peace
that we love to destroy
using abusing nature
as a decoy
live and let others live
my message enjoy
as it glimmers like hope
in the eyes
of this bandra boy
Motherhood Evolves
the mundane meanderings
the morbidity of a moment
it solves
within the soul of her child
rigorously revolves
the god the maker
the mother the child
innocuously involves
a pact of peace
a pledge as a trust
a lesson in humanity
it resolves
to metaverse 3 my friendly spiderman on flickr
timelessness held together in the grip of light and shade
from one moment of loss to another moment of gloss we fade
memories holding the consciousness of our pain we raid
man an image of satanic pride that god accidentally made
man an impostor his surroundings loves to degrade
killing his brother to covet his brothers wife -that god forbade
man born in the womb and in a tomb of maggots finally laid
man born a coward becomes a terrorizing wolf unafraid
man prostituting his passions walking the edge of a razor blade
born of a woman its a woman he loves to trade
dedicated to linda schaefer
Marziya Let Me Go
you are suffocating me
with your love
dont you know
shooting my
fragile predicament
your grandfather
flickr pro
haunted fleur de least
has raised her eyebrows
anthony posey from mardi gras
switching to lilting prose
uncle fred miller
is not one of those
though a few of his friends
are new now public foes
wear tight sweatshirt and panty hose
a camera in hand missing person
cousin lefty where he is
no one knows
jeff and leyla
style and fashion
in periodic throes
from dragony flys
recycled graphics
some awards that flows
wanda brown eyes
in disgust her nose blows
feeding fishes to the crows
new orleans lady
in sadness going
melancholy and morose
holga headed monster
friar tuck
yogically touching his nose
with his toes
these few lines
of pedestrian verse
written by
bollywoods most wanted
no feasts no hijdas
only bandra blogs
to dispose
more misery bad business
to add to my wolfish woes
Marziya is a Poem ...
that we read each day
across the cyber oceans
touching the heart
of a photographer SJ
through this poem
my thanks I repay
Marziya Shakir
in her heart we stay
for her long life
her future happiness
we fervently pray
of this 18 month old
upcoming photographer
what more can I say
a silver lining on
sky turning gray
its with cats dogs and goats
she loves to play
dedicated to SJ Alexander my Flickr friend
Shah-e-Mardan Sher-e-Yazdan Quwat-e-Parwardigar Lafata Ila Ali La Saif Ila Zulfiqar , originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1 ....
Dargah of Hazrat Syed Ali Mira Datar Unava Gujrat , a photo by firoze shakir photographerno1 on Flickr. HAZRAT SYED ALI MIRA DATAR'S G...