Sunday, August 1, 2010

Humility Lies at the Feet of Man

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Most of my pictures on the streets that show me in the frame are shot by bystanders guys who have never ever used a SLR digital camera.

And I am updating this set Appu My Friend at Flickr... as I am posting some of these images to Facebook for my friends.

most of the time
we complain
our short height
our club feet
cause us pain
our long hands
our bow legged legs
a big protruding belly
makes us look insane
the women complain
more than us because
they have beauty
but lack a brain
a flat chest
a flat ass
varicose veins
cause them
greater pain
so obviously
when i shoot
appu my best friend
i thank god
i thank hussain
for making me
what i am
with all my flaws
more sensitive
more humane

I always gagged on the silver spoon.
says citizen kane

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube