Monday, August 13, 2007

Page Cannot be Displayed

These are catfish, they were caught near the sea shore by the Koli fishermen that catch them in their nets, put them aside in a turquoise basket. I think its the first time that at Bandra Bazar Market I was given a dubious quality mackerel last afternoon, I ate one , and felt funny so I gave the other pieces to my crows, who hang around near my shop, later wife sent a pulao with Saif that I could not eat.

And I have been at shop, fighting and shouting my lungs out at the state of my flickering Internet connection, its like a premature ejaculation, and the words that scaringly say

Page cannot be displayed,

Server cannot be found,

He was fucking

And got swallowed

in a vaginal mound,

Hand and feet bound,

Iqara broad band

You Telecom tried

to make it hand raised,

but finally succumbed and got drowned,

now I might have to find someone else

to masturbate me online

on the rebound....

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube