Sunday, November 11, 2007

Top 500 poets

Top 500 poets
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

Sensitized surrealism of a kind
Dead childhood like driftwood bind
Tattered Souls in frail bodies enshrined
Society sodomized sensation less
Should not mind..
Pedestrian thoughts purloined
Turner Road Traffic kids
Color blind..Frontal nudity..
Toddlers learning to walk from behind
As voyeuristic views from a car window unwind
A touch, a feel, a pat, a few coins
back to the humdrum and the grind
pocket less platitudes unlined
beggary art of playing on peoples
base emotions redefined..
sweeping green red orange lights
that this wretched community confined
nothing but remorse more remorse combined
child labor nothing else outlined
puppets on a string held entwined
by the beggar mafia
is all that you find.
a sucked up orange a rotting rind,,
hell hath no fury …
a thoughtless thought divined
little prepubescent girls
mocked and maligned
children of a lesser god
these children showcasing the
worst of mankind ..
selling copies of Midday in the hot sun unkind
Ash and Abhishek Bachchan headlined
Titillating thoughts spellbind
My blog will live forever, unless I delete it
The newspaper to the Raddi confined.
Bloggers park not to mainstream media assigned
Sartorial wordy poem designed
By Firoze Shakir Blogger no1 inclined
Photographerno1… bad grammar
Spelling mistakes galore
Ever moonshined
Among top 500 poets
A streak of poetic intelligence

An English racist poet highly concerned
About the sanctity of English poetry
Raped mutilated as it unwinds ….
Disemboweling his hate for brown skinned poets
On austere words of warning he reminds
Write in your own language
Or lose your multicolored mind..

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