Sunday, November 11, 2007

To me From..Line Master of Alignment

To me From..Line Master of Alignment
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

OUCH! gloves on, battle below....once was said 'women should be barefoot and pregnant.' Was not accepted by any female pregnant or not. The maid belongs in the kitchen, the women with the children or their career. Woman /Man, makes no nevermind, all can choose to be who they are and do what they do albeit with a reasonable amount of maturity and determination. Stop talking about race, no one else does and don't degrade women for that makes one less than human. America is the' Land of The Free' and anyone can write here whether they are 'good' whatever that is in your mind, or 'not good' at it. Women are as capable as men and in some cases more so. Don't be so judgemental and blatantly cruel. There is one exception, woman are emotional and have feelings and hurt and cry and give love and don't always get treated with much respect, but, they do not belong in The White House and any women with an ounce of sense will agree with that. Other then that, well, the world is their oyster as much as any man. PS, you're as white as a white man in your photo, so stop your useless race ranting, please. jason dawes

jason dawes
he claws
poetically missing paws
with the best of me
held between his jaws
his teeth hacksaws

firoze shakir photographerno1

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