Sunday, November 11, 2007

Painted Wail

Painted Wail
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

A drugged child
On the waist
Surrogate motherhood
Learning motherness
Emotional language
Of the helpless
Idiomatically chaste
Stunted childhood
Cut Copy and Paste
Street side symphony in haste
Growing up a bad taste
Children of a lesser god
In his godliness disgraced
Priorities of a sucked up society
Humanity shamefaced debased
Life’s traffic signals showcased
A cosmetic job of cleanliness
Removing wrinkles but
Keeping the same fucked face
Marks of torments that won’t erase
The traffic signal kids
On some other low profile signal
Nothing changes life slow snail paced
Truth a travesty of reproductive remorse
Blank faced

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