Sunday, November 11, 2007

Prostituted Poetry of Pain

Prostituted Poetry of Pain
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

She who waits in vain
For a god sent client
For a god to hear her plaint
yes prostituted poetry
Of time immemorial pain
Womanhood accursed in
Manhood’s chain
She has like this
on a bed of thorns lain
her wombless cries
re echoing
wont wane
the best of her
lost in a chasm of a
menstrual drain
only loss the madams gain
the pimp her shadow
her sinking
her unthinking brain
yes its far too plain
for me in my poetry
not to explain ..
a samjautha towards society
traveling in life
on an explosive train
one day it will blow up
our demonic
man made consciousness
shatter and blood stain

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