Sunday, November 11, 2007

////// \\\\\\

////// \\\\\\
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

He is confused
As a child he was
Overtly abused
By older boys
His blooming youth misused
His body and soul
By his parish priest
Badly bruised
Introverted from life’s
Living and giving excused
All lines as part of his heritage
Miscued unnecessarily fused
////// \\\\\\ he says he is
Jason Dawes from Maldives
He wears a hijab of hate
Society of men women and eunuch
At poem hunter he has refused
Faceless poemless amused
He comments he defecates
This pontificating arsehole
A detonating dogmatic
Demented dyslexic
Diatribe driven demon diffused
no he does not accept messages
from poets whom as
racists he has accused

firoze shakir photographerno1

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