Sunday, September 9, 2007

Slow Dance of Life

It takes two hands to clap
said the sage very wise
the world is a dancing floor
slow dance of life
choreographed clitoral concupiscence
a cock tongue tied..
hidden libidinous levitations
when man and the woman in man collide
a split open , cleavaged catastrophe
and a divide , bounced email unreplied
archived apostrophe marked emotions
in her inbox my phallic philandering one eyed
each time I connect access denied..
a hacked defrauded dichotomy of me
Dr Jeckyll and Thick Hide.
on some other planet some other time
she might be pressing my bare feet at my bedside..
male chauvinistic pig poet photographer besides
she a goddess , me endymion egg like
sunny side up full fried..

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