Sunday, September 9, 2007

Rest In Piece Allen James Saywell

photo courtesy

Abdullakasai the radical Ass as Sin
Had warned his radicalism he would hard sell
They did try to impel this malformed
evil product of a Rogue Mullahs
Reproductive cell
He who had placed a bomb on the forum wall
On which sat Allen James Say Well
The cluster bomb made up of shrapnel
Blew to smithereens pieces that you
Just could not tell from the remains
That was once Allen James Saywell
Osama Bim Bombay Laden who
Had designed this explosive bombshell
Handing it over to Abdulkasai the rebel
Embrace Islam the forum members were told
But they answered in unison Oh Fuck Off
Abdullakasai you might as well go to Hell
A rabid rat they did not smell nor the
Chiming of a death knell
This poem is In Memoriam to the rotten
Soul of Allen James Saywell
We wish you a life hereafter very well
With crocodile tears in our eyes
We survivors of Poem hunter
Outside the Forum wish you
Your Australian Racist soul Farewell

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