Friday, September 14, 2007

We Homo Sapiens

We Homo Sapiens
Originally uploaded by flickr photographerno1
photo courtesy

We Homo sapiens
Born of a sensuous thought
A thought embedded in greed
We are human so we bleed
We enraptured as orgasm
In a seminal seed
We who kill for color caste and creed
We who build mosques churches temples
Synagogues butchers abattoir as killing fields
Yes the only way we connect to God indeed
Words of wisdom we gloatingly write
But those written by others we have no time
To read.
Downloading evil at high speed
Much before we were born
Our fate karma dharma hermetically sealed
Women little children to protect our wayward faith
We use as human shield..
What we sow as hate fruits of hatred yield
Through silent bleeding scriptures
Our wantonness lust evil lies revealed
Our destructive emotions in a pickled jar congealed
Blinded in self glorification
To another mans fault
We keep our eyes peeled
A sickness in our human souls
That incurably remains unhealed

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