Tuesday, May 17, 2011

As Close As Close As I Could Get

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Someone tags a photo of his at Facebook and than I get a notification that someone commented on a photo of yours.. it kills me.. how could it be my photo fuck it drives me insane..

I dont comment on peoples pictures and I have choked my comment box everywhere I have my web presence .. one of the reasons is that people dont know how to comment they lack the etiquette or sensitivity of commenting.. they comment for pure sake of passing time some to be noticed .. this is what I have gathered six or seven years as blogger.

Some love to find faults with the rituals you shoot because such rituals dont exist in their religiosity and some guys are paid by Wahhabi skeptics cynics to find fault abuse pictures of Shia blood and gore.This is my appraisal Wahabbis hate Sufi pictures too.. and some Shia bigots hate Shia pictures too.

And at Flickr or Facebook you should not be surprised or shocked or even on cyberspace to see my hijra pictures stolen from my streams at Blogspot and posted on their streams.. without a courtesy line and most use my hijra pictures as thumbnails for their profile pictures on Facebook to con the gullible hijra lover..

And so these are some stray thoughts on a mournfully morose Monday..

Firoze, I love your poems Do you have your poems printed in some way...a book? Have a lovely day.

This was a kind message from a Facebook friend and I sent her a reply.. I always answer messages on Facebook or Flickr..
My reply to her

Nobody will print me maybe yes one day after I am dead and gone.. such is life and the poetry of life of a beggar poet of Mumbai
Thank you so very much for your love support and encouragement that nourishes my poetry and my soul.

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