Tuesday, December 22, 2009

John Lennon At Ali Maulah Dargah Dharavi

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The person in the picture is a Tamil devotee of Hazrat Ali as I am of Goddess Maryamma an avatar of Goddess Durga.

Mutual coexistence is a hallmark of Indian religiosity bound by the united colors of Faith.

When I told him that I would be piercing my cheek next year with a 18 feet rod at Mahim beach , on the Maryamma Feast day he was totally bewildered and zapped.

Every year during the 14 Stations of the Cross I walk for hours from 10 am till 4 pm with the Christian community I walk with Jesus and share the pain of a community that taught me to speak English..I shoot pictures I share this with all of you with pride for my city Mumbai where all Gods live without walls separating them ..I mean the human heart.
I walk with Lalbagh Cha Raja from 11 am till the next morning to show my solidarity with the Hindu faith my cultural inheritance and my birthright as an Indian..so you insult me when you say all Muslims should be sent to Pakistan.. I would rather opt for hell where at least Muslims wont be killing Muslims and this has nothing to with my Pakistani friends on Facebook and Flickr.. what separates us is a wall of bludgeoning politics of human hate.

I shoot all Faith as a photo blogger only the media in India does not know about it.. the world wide knows is enough for me..

I shoot GSB Ganesha at Kings Circle year after year and I shoot Lord Ganesha with a passion he beckons me ..even God needs photo bloggers more than just continuous mode shooting photographers..

Photography more than anything is a virtue , photography is holistically healing society through images..of godliness in the image of man..photography is like a vein of gold running in a dark mine if you dont tap it remains bound in charcoal..Marziya my two year old grand daughter is teaching me photography , yes I am unlearning Photography that my erstwhile masters taught me Fuck F stops...Fuck Vision..

My grand daughter is not a visionary , but yes she Is a great photographer we shoot with the same passion and the same camera Nikon D80..

I have seen some photographers of the press a lot of them filled with arrogance and conceit and I am shocked , they are the manual of our love of photography, its their pictures that evolved a passion in amateurs like us..and they look upon bloggers with disdain.. is it because we are multi faceted ..we shoot pictures as poems so you dont get bored reading it as prose..the same thing day in and day out...

Yes I am a photoblogger who walks barefeet to stay in touch with my god given man earned humility..with this picture I have completed the uploading a 4 GB card at Flickr.. there is another cad to go pictures of the Mahim Urus and some stray street photography.

And I hope Yahoo takes over Facebook so my uploading problems at Facebook will end.. from Flickr the best photo management site I can cross blog directly to Word Press Blogspot Twitter Vox Live Journal but not Facebook.. and I like Facebook I have some great friends there , I have great friends on Flickr too , but I have locked up my comment box..I am fed up of being abused as an Indian and as a Shia Muslim..

I bleed why does it hurt you, I cut my head , why does it pain you ,I do not ask you to cut your head with me .. you maintain eunuch silence when in the name of Allah mosques are bombed , innocent people killed ...

A guy asked me this morning you are a Shia and you shoot Hijras , I told him it was a pity I was not there at Karbala where people of our faith watched in eunuch silence a pious person , connected to our life line bleed to death , his family butchered his head decapitated and you say it never happened ..and in the same breath you talk about the glory of the Ummayad Dynasty...morphed memories of another time..so Hijras is a better human option to shoot.. but it was a bouncer over his thick head.

And luckily you dont need to be a writer to be a photo blogger pictures speak eloquently the text is optional.. I never much liked Wren and Martin at school, and a vessel must have a drop of water to quench a mans thirst for knowledge

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