Monday, October 8, 2007

The Sword of the Sufi Samurai

Shahenshah baba
Golden henna
Colored hair unique
“Mun Kunto Maulaho Fe Haaza Ali-yun Maulah”
cutting tongue
piercing eye balls
at his peak
Maun Baba
for 11 years
wont speak
just silence
no hebrew hindi or greek
Handi the shrewd
wont ever give
the other cheek
Don jaun baba
two swords
in his eyeball
a sight
not to be seen
by the weak
Faiyaz ali
a new preview
of his cutting tongue
that looks like
an orphaned beak
would make a layman
The Chancawalli sufis
The Rafaees
smoking chillum
a peace pipe
of mystical spirituality
mind over matter blowing
sikandar wali baba
now in celestial skies
handed over to Handi
his earthly mystique
bhandari baba may he perish
for causing me grief
his presence in my
pictures I don’t need to tweak
yes they have promised
to do their acts
in bollywoods most wanted boutique
among my 300 old cameras
and myself photographerno1 antique
shia thug, romancing a stone
a blog goddess voluptuously
unaging in the best of physique
says this poet pip squeak
blessed are those who havoc wreak
even in the end after
hanging privately by the noose
so damned to a winning streak
American height of enchantment
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Asymetrical warfare engineered
in a white house to play hide and seek
An empty platter awaiting a bubble and squeak
Poetic disillusionment in love
Where hate is a new form of love gone oblique

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