Monday, October 8, 2007


i was bound hand and feet mouth gagged

a photographer unlearning photography

i was seduced by a photo blog goddess

prometheus unbound

she who taught me poetry

knighted me a blogger

set my multi colored soul free

i saw the pain the sorrow

train bomb blasts

cry my beloved country

cloud bursts, tsunami

could not crush the spirit

the resillience of a mumbaikar

born to a womb of mumbai city

a decapitated head of hussain

blood flowing on the sand of karbala

destroying ummayad pride and vanity

yes we are shias followers of hazrat ali

ya hussain ya hussain a chant

a severed branch still rooted

to the grandeur of the

holy prophets family tree

my new poem

picture shot lying sprawled on a ship deck off mumbai harbour…

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube