Monday, October 8, 2007

The Butcher of Baghdad

courtesy google images

He an evil hearted man
A man with a devilishly
Corrugated shrewd brain
Died a death without pain
The death he meted out to others
Was not at all humane
The genocide the inhuman pain
For those who lost their loved ones will forever remain
Even a self confessed testimony
That he was not given justice
Won’t explain ..
Was he really Saddam or his stand in
An innocent man killed to keep
The world happy for
Conspiratorial political returns and gain
A sacrificial lamb for Idd ul Aza
And the actual Saddam laughing
All the way to the bank
On some Brazilian beach
Believably plain
A new identity a new life
The butcher of Baghdad
Reading his obituary
Softly massaging
A safe neck proud like an Iraqi Crane
Death where is thy sting..
I am alive..a Sunni Martyr
A Mujhaideen Bartered to gain.
Everyone is happy
Alls well that ends well
So why complain

Two more dictators you must detain
A peaceful word without war and war planes
A conscience of a nation and the ensuing blood stains.
Man born free a captive in chains

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