Monday, October 8, 2007

Saddam is dead what next?

photo courtesy google images.

my poem written just now at word press

I am a military man

The President ofRepublic of

He said

I have been denied fair trial and justice

Don’t hang me

Shoot me in the chest

Or a bullet to my head instead

To the gallows

By masked men he was led

To the Maker to present

his account he was dead

those who live by the sword

die by the sword its said

the pages of the same Holy Koran

that his victims had in their hand

no trial , no justice a bullet in the head

some had their eyes gouged

some in ovens fried

some his men did behead

some limbs , body and soul shred

even pain wept tears before

it was pronounced dead

he would have not been born

had his mother committed suicide

a thought widespread

but the butcher of

did live

a new brand of Yazidiyat spread

a gun in hand the devils death head

where will
Iraq go from here

a fragmented soul of a Nation

confusion chaoss vulnerability

of being made a scapegoat

by the Evil Axis of Matrix

a thought that lies ahead

hunger for peace

tears and bleeding sorrow

inscribed on a piece of bread.

America ,
UK, western powers

Israel , Iran, Syria Sunni
Saudi Arabia

All wanting to grab a part

Of a heart that for centuries

on the Sands of Karbala has bled

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