Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bloggers Beware..MSM is Dying

I went home to rest , though wife had bought my lunch to shop and she wants me to end my reverie with bald men, honestly I saw a picture in Times of India , a single picture shot by a Sanjay Hadkar showing the Pitru Visarjan, you can see a picture shot to occupy space as a recording of an event , badly composed , no emotions, no nothing and this is the height of pictorial apathy of an editorship of a newspaper aleady gone to seed..
I think one should have some stirring in ones loins to shoot aesthetically even the most mundane event , but hot shot photo journos need only one picture to keep the fires burning at home, I am not touched by conceit but Pitru Visarjan touched me , as I too rever my parents the furnace of love and understanding that any puja for their deceased souls is not enough to appease them and this is Gods honest Truth.
We had stopped the Times of India at home , Samiya reads Mumbai Mirror , so wife did not want to pay for it as it comes free with the Times.. so she has stopped the DNA , which is nothing but a poor cousinly clone of the Times.. Padded young man (Padyuman) Maheshwaris spiel on Blog etiquette in a recent DNA made me wretch like I had become a bilious alcoholic again..try blogging for an year before you write against Blogs..or Bloggers for that matter and try blogging bad words on Sulekha Blogs , the moral brigand of all Blogs in India..Muslim Bloggers and Dogs not allowed, fuck all they have time as Hindus is to write about Confused Muslims.. try living as a Muslim for a few months before you give vent to writings such as this..and try to be a Muslim like me who atleast capture Truth in a religious moment and traditionalism of an a event called Pitru Visarjan, where Google Search does not have two lines on it...
And I would not like to read newspapers at all, but I guess than I would have more wretchedness in my it is a release anyway.. I continue with Pitru Visarjan from my new folder..

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