Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Photographers Tantric Eye

A poet may or may not have this eye
Shivas tantric sight a camera eye
An eye possessing a vision
Beyond human eye
The photographer’s eye
Wordless poetry in pictures lie
A depth of field
An angle of focus
Beyond the circle of confusion
Perspective imply
Within the periphery
Of his imagination
Everything on earth
Everything in the sky
On the soul of his viewfinder
Passes by
Pictures captured in reply
Hit the bulls eye
Unlike the poet the photographer
Does not bitch and cry
But a good photographer
Is a better poet don’t ask me why
Wordless poetry images
Metaphoric historic from his minds eye
Free from hate and your shepherds pie
Deo et rege court of arms a thick black eye
Down under poet hooligans and yobos
Can kiss my multi colored ass goodbye

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