Sunday, May 8, 2011

Shab e Ashur at Byculla Station East Dont Miss This Event

This was the first time I shot it and I was invited by Jalal Mamu , this is a small juloos that heads from here and joins the main juloos at Honda circle .. It was on this day in the night I was robbed of my G9 canon camera given to me by Dr Glenn Losack MD ..

I never shot this event as I move out a few days before AShura to shoot it in other cites of my country I shot Hyderabad and Madras yes I do miss Moharam in Mumbai and if someone did give me a ticket for Karbala I would gladly give it to a poor person more deserving in his devotion to Akka Maulah Hussain than me I have taken a pledge and it wil be part of my belief as long as I live .. My Karbala Is Hindustan whewre I live and where I intend to breathe my last..

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