Sunday, May 8, 2011

Removing The Rods From The Cheeks Continues

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I continue with the second part of my Marriammen set of removal of rods, most of the places I have only shot the procession and moved away from this part of the removal of the rods ritual, because by the time say in the case of Macchimar fishing village the rod removal happens very late even the Sion Dharavi that I shot I was unable to shoot the rod removal pictures.

But because of my friendship with Bhima the guy removing the rods in the picture I try to hang in , as I did here but left soon after , 300 removal of rods is a tough task in very cheek to jowl surroundings.

Being a diabetic and also fasting along with the Tamils it is a tough shoot for both body and soul.

And I dont know who will shoot for me if I pierce my cheeks one of these days...uness I shoot pictures with a rod in my mouth.. wth very slim chances of movement I am sure..

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