Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jesus Save Me From MTNL Broadband

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Your complaint has been booked .
Your docket number is 1453 thank you for using MTNL Broadband

Mr Tewary Gen Manager
MTNL Broadband
Mr Upadaya Dep Gen Manager
Bandra Reclamation
Mr Shyam Sundarji
Mr Jony
St Martins Road Bandra

My problems continue
unresolved my pain you
might not understand
MTNL Broadband
Nightmare on Demand
my son surrendered
his WIFI modem
his land line he could
not take it any longer
because you all
could not resolve
his problem
and ....I am now
the only one using
your services
so many complaints
my blogging hands
cut off by MTNL Broadband
so finally I plead
to Jesus to save me
before I too crash land
my pain first hand
at MTNL Broadband
beck and command
following the footprints
on quicksand bursting
my poets pituitary gland
a poem I end click
wont expand

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube