Saturday, May 14, 2011

If Ticket Collectors Were Hijdas Corruption Would End .

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if hijdas
become politicians
they would be
the common
mans best friend
till the very end
free housing
free education
they would lend
cops would be honest
also hijdas our property
they would defend
no hafta no such trend

but being a fucked poet
i imagine dreams that
wont ever be reality
because poets
dreams into
reality dont blend
but yes a fucked system
in society the hijdas
could easily mend
and poets would be
hijda politicans
best boy friends
no 2g scams
no cwg all
scams corruption
out of the window
they would send
to a neighboring country
mother of all
who all absconding
back to India
would resend
might even hire our hijras
for their sovereignty
to defend be happy
be contend

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