Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kya Ap Bhi Hijre Ho

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I got this message in my Facebook inbox a few seconds back from a Facebook friend I mean can you imagine a guy sending this to me because I am posting links to my Facebook updates as a documentary on Hijra asceticism and mysticism ,

When I posted Hindu links he did not ask me Kya Ap Hindu Ho

Or when I posted Christian links he dd not ask me Kya Ap Christian Ho

Fuck I give up ..

And I add people when they send a friend because we share common mutual friends .. and half the people or even more on my Friends list I dont know..

And this guy is a Shia so I am surprised at his fucked question and attitude..

He is now no more on my list..

Because he is a Shia he wants me to be like him with a sparrows mind and a donkeys tale..

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