Friday, August 13, 2010

Shot By Marziya On Nikon D 80

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the vital part
of this blogger
the gray cells
the word factory
the windows
of his soul
she skipped
his flapping wings
she clipped
into the true
essence of her
grand father
she dipped
how others
would have
shot me
she changed
the transcript
she aimed
at my soul
my angst
my anguish
my pathos
from the inner
she stripped
with the Nikon D 80
in her little
hands firmly gripped
a poet
made in India
his pangs
his passion
she flipped
the truth of
her poetic vision
without changing
the words
she changed
my script

a close up
tight lipped
as post script
she shot
what you
dont see
a bleeding head
as the blood
of his forefathers
on the soul
of humanity '
ghame hussain
his back
horse whipped
a blog
shot by a chip

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