Friday, February 19, 2010

Chalak Ali -Dhamal of the Chancawalli Rafaees

I belong to the Order of the Chancawalli Rafaees as a photographer I have been documenting their lifestyle since many years.

Their earlier Peer died ast year nd this year Barsati Bawa led them into the ring in front of the Holy Shrine of Haji Malang..

Chalak Ali is a Rafaee par excellence and does his stuff with ease and effortlessly. he can bring both his eyeballs out of his socket.

His seven year old Sharukh Rafee too is an exponent of this Art.

I have to rush to work but you can see all this at Flickr..I have till now posted 1000 pictures of my Haji Malang Urus 2010 .

I have not put the Hijra pictures in this set , but in a different set and I have over 2000 more to upload and post a rough guess I am bad at maths..

This is Chalak Ali doing hard core eye ball piercing..

Yes Blogging is addictive almost like the Chilum the bawas smoke for spiritual release...but instead of me its my subjects that get high...sometimes the viewer too...

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube