Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Hyderabadi Shias Are A Unique Race

The Hyderabadi Shias
are a unique race
doing the blade matam
with souls ablaze
men children in unison
a heritage of their birthplace
every stroke hands apace
every heart is ashura
every soul is karbala
the essence of reality
to showcase
ghame hussain
a 1400 pain
that no yazid
could replace
moharam like this
never happens
in any other place
the city of peace
the city of hope
footsteps trace
Hussein as humanity
they embrace
Allah Ho Akbar
Allah Be Praised

یاحسین یاحسین یاحسین یاحسین

کـل یـــــوم عــــاشـوراء کـل ارض کـــربـــلاء
يــــــا أبــــــــو الأحــــــــرار یــــــاحـــــســیـ

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