Friday, November 9, 2007

Buzznet Sleepy Joes.. Injun Dreams..

Buzznet Sleepy Joes.. Injun Dreams..
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

Last night
They got drunk
Came to blows
Dreaming sleeping no bravos

Kentucky Fried Chicken
Thoughts of Funksteena and Cosmos
Blog goddess at her window sill
In her bedclothes
Steve Haldane
Should be sent to the gallows
My buzznet account
Had he not froze
But Firoze
Said he
Account do not delete or close
No Drunken echoes
Reunited in Flowing Frescoes
Alaskan Fern
Melted snow like tears enclose
Friar Tuck and me coming to death blows
Ben Bell dogged ghostly among Philly weirdos
Panasonic youth Buzznet Original demos
Shadow Boxer among androgynous gizmos
I pot and Xris more tailored clothes
Marc and Azzie in Egypt in the land of Pharaohs
A Touch of a thought of memorable photos
Df Duck is AWOL God Alone knows
Steve Haldanes ass and more pin cushioned halos
Micheal Bell raised eyebrows
Yorrik still hunting for his wedding trousseau
Dread Heading some more kudos
Epiphany 229 Fuck Shoes on tip toes
Scarlet Lark some more self portraits as slide shows
Rib Stealer writing another Children’s Book I suppose
Csorba Sweet Csorba more beautiful as she mellows
Tom Do You Like it. American Photo Guru shooting
More Fulsome homos, emancipated hoboes
Photographerno1 won’t be back shortly
A thought that grows
Buzzbot fucked featured pictures, fucked friends turned to foes.
Johnny the encounter man with half blown torsos
Schvetty Betty threw me and my poetry out of her window

Comments I miss and a few helloes
Buzznet cream a few maestros, girl guys and a few heroes.
French man remembered with 3 zeroes
Yoko stevedored to more sorrows
Till we meet another planet another time
Just yesterday.. no today no morrow,
A good Indian a dead Indian
Wisdom of the Wild West bestows

Dedicated to online sharing and scaring

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube