Monday, September 3, 2007

Rest In Peace Foster Blaine

Foster Blaine (9/18/2006 1:10:00 PM)
Nothing to be found here; criticism and complaints with no viable alternatives. This is exploitation of the word poetry.. Prostitution awaits the reader.

Foster Finding Fault Faulty Blaine
Fuck you should not read my poems
And more fuck ferris wheel your brain
Or the little you have pea headed Blaine
Why don’t you read what you write
Instead of lighting a multi racial fire
Under my ass unfostered Blaine
You seem to be a fucked Voice
Of America in a dead poetic casket
Foster Blaine
Is finding faults is all that you do Blaine
Cloud bursts of your emotions
Fucked all in vain
On the metaphoric mound of my poetry
Your criticism a menstrual blood stain
Why don’t you poetically toilet train
And unleash your fucked comments
On some American scatter brain
You have so many clusterd in a white house
Foster blaine
Why immortalize me dear dick drain..
Weapons of mass destruction were
Not in Iraq but in a presidential brain
Imperialistic hegemony
Shia Sunnis in chain
a pope also a part of an Byzantine Bizzare campaign
And Afghanistan and some more soundless seamless soulless caskets
Feather headed fig leaved foster blaine
More than me you do complain
Poem hunters poetically unconstructive
Foster Blaine
You need to go to an Indian shrink
Already crucified cerebral shrunk , Defrosted brain
And do take this in a testicular vein..
My eunuch poetry might just help you
Into a third gender ingrain
Clapping your hands
Lifting the ghagra
Penile mockery and entertain
You asked for loose change
I give you all I have without venom
Sweet poetic poison an Indian wolf barking bane
Superficial middle cerebral cleavaged ass like domain
a poetic blood stained shroud contain
Rest In Piece Mr Foster Blaine
smokless irony of guns
a churchillian cigar biting
american John wayne
a loin clothed diapered Fakir
master of the rings
a camera , and cane .
sends you this greetings
upholstered Blaine .

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