Friday, November 13, 2015

This Lady Is More Than My Mother ,,, Wassim Qazilbash My Mother In Law .

She is a Maulaiee ,,, a total incorrigible Tabaraiee and a hardcore fan of Maulana Agha Ruee ,, She was never scared of anyone ,,, even during the Sunni Shia riots that are common place in Lucknow she braved the streets to get food for her family ,, I respect her tremendously ,,they were once very rich wealthy and things changed for over 35 years they lived on rent and recently got their own house at Nakhas .

She treats me like her son.. and if she could she would hide all my daggers on Ashura day ,, she rushed out on the streets of Nakhas pleading me to stop cutting myself ,, she did that last Chehlum got some boys to take away my daggers ,,but I borrowed the daggers from Banney Bhais anjuman.

She pampers me no end , making my black tea , and cooking my favorite dishes , they are not rich but she is rich in her love for me ,, she wanted to drop me this time at the station I refused ..she liked my mother a lot and now with the death of both my parents she tries to become my mother and my father too.. and she remembers me as the guy who carried her daughter on his shoulders ,, as they lived in the same place as my cousin Huzoor Miya . who was like a foster father to her daughter Afshan now my wife ..

I have in my 63 years never sen a lady of such formidable strength of character , she is great noha reciter and is always on her feet .. never resting though she has not been in good health ,, and her husband too is in very poor health.. now they spend their times taking care of their granddaughters Sakina and Sughra.

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