Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fucked Woman's Day and Charity

I taught Marziya charity .
She learnt photography through the blessings of Dr Glenn Losack MD her teacher and Guru..

Marziya keeps money aside for this lady , who mind you does NOT beg.. she is homless she lives under a broken umbrella but she is NOT a beggar NOT yet..

We give her money some give her food leftovers and she wont be rehabilitated .. WHY ?
Because our fucked system rehabilitates crooks who become politicians ..our fucked system does not rehabilitate whores .. because if you rehabilitate the whores than .. where will the rich go and fuck? You have to protect our women so we create Whores and on one day of the Year shed fucked tears marking it as Womans Day or Fucked Mothers Day..

Both Fucked by a Corrupt system.. and even whores are mothers to fatherless children..

And as a beggar poet or as a street photographer I have been brutally ruthlessly truthful.. I dont sell my pictures I share what I see I write as my expression of poetry free flowing from the furnace molten lava that singes my soul too.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube