Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dance of Death Tandav On the Soul of Shimr

I bleed
the cosmic
of death
on the soul
of shimr and yazid
both death sprouting
seeds withering weeds
a sword cutting the head
as our blood runs down
the streets a 1400 year
old reminder on the soul
of history and humanity
ya hussain our heartbeat
a hindu shia barefeet
going round and round
in a black winding sheet
a kaif on concrete
a pain ghame hussain
a circle complete
shiasm a file of fatima
her tears that no tyrant
ever born could ever delete
72 warriors that no emperor
with all his army
could ever defeat
truth equality
justice liberty
the voice of
the bahrainis
i echo
i repeat
saudi terrorism
the fire
of freedom
can never

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