Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ashura 10 Moharam Amin Imambada Mumbai

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The Ashura here is depicted as a passion play by the Iranis of Mumbai, seething pain brought out by symbolism talking you back to the sands of Karbala , this place is completely jam packed , photography is very tough from ground level unless you climb one of the gates and shoot from there as I have done several times , but I stopped climbing the door because of my damaged hand..
I come early shoot from below , barefeet and the last part is when Habib Nasser and his boys do hardcore Zanjir and Sword matam..this photography I do sleeping on the floor beneath the blows of the sword.. I have been lucky, I dont participate in the kamazani here ..

Later at about 4 pm there is a procession that comes from Yakoob Gully and meets with other mourners coming from Moghul Masjid at JJ Hospita side gates ,this procession with matam, kama matam , zanjir matam moves at slow pace and reaches the gates of Rhmatabad Shia cemetery , outside the zanjir matam by the Naugawan Anjuman should not be missed.

Inside the cemetery it is a private Shia affair a majlis called Shame Gariba and than the hardcore sword matam and zanjir matam within the open space of the cemetery..
If you shoot here you can shoot any war zone in the world.. here too I shoot from ground levvel mostly lying on the floor between the legs of the Sword matam dars..

I am updating this post for my friend Dr Glenn Losack MD from New York  who dressed in mourning black will shoot this event with me..he is my extended family and the Guru of my 4 year old street photographer grand daughter Marziya Shakir..

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