Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shreekant Malushte My Guru A Great Street Photographer

182,764 items / 1,444,338 views

Street photography is an art form, it is reading shooting the poetry of life on the streets , some call it candid photography.

Mr Shreekanth Malushte took me into the streets initiated me in this creative art form .. that defines mans nature his surroundings his passion poetry and his angst.

I am a poet and a street photographer I shoot pain , and I shoot pain as it is my second nature as a Indian born Shia Muslim..

It was Mr Shreekanth Malushte who honed me as a street photographer and my 182000 images at Flickr in 3 and a half years are the essence of his teachings , he nurtured me and in a way made me what I am.

Mr Shreekant Malushte is a young man why.. because what has age got to do with photography and photography keeps you young..makes you feel young.

If photography was a compulsory subject in school it would end all the strife wars in the world , photography is a holistic science a soul healing tool.

I may not have made a singe cent of my love of photography being a hobbyist photographer but I have entertained people with my surroundings my world my poetry and in all humility 20000 viewers come to my Flickr photo stream every day..

I shoot religion street and the hijras.. I am not a nature or wild life photographer , and Mr Shreekanth Malushe gave me the impetus and the necessary encouragement..

This is my humble tribute to him as his student chela and disciple...

मी मराठी Mee Marathi,

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube