Sunday, October 3, 2010

Shooting Beggars Is Shooting The Soul of Humanity Too

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Those that dont know me or those that have not seen my Flickr blogs and when they do see this at Facebook or Blogspot might come to a hasty conclusion that I stalk beggars , I dont but they cross my path as I cross theirs unintentionally.

And I shoot Muslim beggars the tragedy of my race my structural religious ethnicity.

The world of Muslim Beggars and the Silhouette of the Hijab is a set on Fickr.
I show you the comfort of the Hijab its spiritual body language in the urban surroundings of my city.The message of its right to exist as a dress form or code is part of my poetic pictorial thought.

And I dont shove beggars up your throat I shoot other religious feasts and I shoot it in total truthfulness as I saw it you would have seen it with your eyes and my camera.

I prefer shooting the streets more than anything and I love shooting life from moving rIckshas.

I shoot garbage both in human form and as human waste .. no pun intended .

This Kashmiri lady saw me leaving for work she accosted me and told me to help her I told her politely to go to the Shia Mosque at the Bazar and appeal to the trustee there.

In reply she asked me to accompany her to the Mosque I told her it was not possible. and I moved away I was already late for wok on my return from work I saw her begging on Hill Road I was in my rcksha.

And beggars is nothing new they are everywhere , the old disappear new come and take their place.

Muslim men it is alleged force their wives and children to beg , and here covering her up in a burkha lessens the problem of recognition too.

Earlier I walked through a slum where I did meet Muslim burkha clad women with kids I shot but since three months I stopped taking that route for good.

I dont sell my pictures , I dont give my pictures to stock agencies , as the stock agencies are still stuck with slides on their fucked consciousness.
And besides street photography is not a stock picture selling viability , sunsets cute kids garba is the soul of India that sells ,as my genre is human life street pain religion customs rituals hijras and trans gender I shoot this spectrum to the best of my ability.

I do it it in my time and at my expense without any editorial constrains.

And at times now no more I used to get heckled when my Shia pictures upset the Wahhabi and Tabbliki sense and sensibilities , but killing of Muslims by Muslims of blasting of Holy Shrines Dargahs Shia mosques did not upset them at all.. this is the flip side of the religion I was born into and so happily at the end of it II call myself an Indian Shia Muslim

So I shoot beggars when they come my way or I come their way...

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube