Friday, August 20, 2010

The Scourge of the Macchars in Mumbai

Of late all media photo journalists get a great kick shooting the mosquito killer guy with his gun, and so I add my own pictures to show you the gun as the scourge of the mosquitoes we call them macchar..
And the memorable dialogue of NanaPatekar

Ek Macchar Admi ko Hijda bana deta hai..

Are we a nation of Hijdas I dont know the hijras is a community I hold in the highest esteem having documented their struggle hardships through picture and poetry as a genre I call hijra poetry all my stuff is housed at Flickr the only house online without walls or doors only Windows.

And I love shooting this gun only if it existed in rel life and could remove corruption , evil in society it would be a blessing in disguise.

And I only if such a gun existed the government buys it through the known channels and not the CWG Purchase department for obvious reasons , they might go into option and change and disable the factory settings permanently to allow corruption..

And thank the Lord the people concerned have finally got up from their stupor and taken the situation under their eagle hawk eyes in oxymoron haste.

I could easily write a poem here but I let it genre is unstructured poetry of human angst and pathos.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube