Sunday, August 15, 2010

Poetic Tribute to 64 th Independence Day of India

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ruminating on the roads
of despair and remorse
chewing the cud
holy cows in a herd
as i know
their language
word to word
they were
the commonwealth games
a topic of discontent
making man animals bovine
disenchanted and awkward
they were cursing
the system more abuses
i heard they told
me see the kids selling
the country's flags
tomorrow barefeet
blistered while on the
other hand our leaders
were busy selling our
nations glory heritage
64 years after independence
nothing much has altered
every vote for good
the common man faltered
yes we the people completely
erred year after year month
after month 'a new scam on the soul
of the coffers of our common wealth
in some Swiss bank interred
our vision our future
very blurred the voice
of the common man
sachin tichkule bruised battered
dreams all shattered
battered and plundered
collectively they muttered
through a picture
a poem i captured
a verdict a vote fractured
lyrics of a song blaring away

ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगो
ज़रा आँख में भर लो पानी
जो शहीद हुए हैं उनकी
ज़रा याद करो क़ुरबानी

from my dreams
into a virtual realty
i was hurled

Happy Independence Day to all of you Without your help it could have never Happened

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