Sunday, August 15, 2010

64 Years After Independence We Have Come a Long way

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we are north indians
we are maharashtrians
we are hardly indians
i must say
we asked for a home
on the streets we stay
malaria we spread
to a political dismay
at grass root level
the common man
for the sins
of the rich man pays
from ever state they
come as a getaway
some become super heroes
overnight a mannat they say
the weak
simply pass away
some commit suicide
simply walk away
others search for hope
on our independence day

तुम भूल न जाओ उनको
इसलिये कही ये कहानी
जो शहीद हुए हैं उनकी
ज़रा याद करो क़ुरबानी

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