Sunday, March 21, 2010

Incomplete Story Of Pain

Shooting pain, requires sensitivity and understanding , shooting pain is paying respect to the realty of man, because I hurt I live because I bleed I live..Pain is different from person to person , and can be interpreted in more ways than one..being a Shia pain is the core essence of a spiritual belief a religiosity akin to humanity Ghame Hussain.

But I shoot pain as I see pain on the viewfinder of my parched soul, I absorb pain , I know places I cried howled shot pain, of course there was no one around to shoot my wolfish cries , my screaming cries I cried at Ajmer I cried during Moharam events I cried when my patron Mrs Rupa Gupta of Spectra Motors died , I felt something had died within me , she loved me as her brother and I have never forgotten her.

And all this falls within the hazardous territory of pain..and feeling pain is fine but feeling and shooting pain requires the heart and soul of a poet..I was lucky I was able to poetize pain..

And where they teach photography will they talk about shooting pain or poetizing pain..Pain is a million miles away they wont even talk to the student about blogging , such is the pompous pedantic view held by brilliant photographers , they have just entered the firmament of the blog,...and I walked away from their salon fucked world for good..I became human as a photographer I was a rhymester I became a poet of pain..

And I am not denigrating photography or photographers but change is the law of nature , I learnt more photography seeing pictures of Tom Andrews at Buzznet , he was my first American photo Guru much before I became friendly with a poet photographer Dr Glenn Losack MD

I ran away from camera culture for good , I did not want to end as picture on a fucked wall of posterity..I am nothing but a garden and I share my growth with all, that is why I decided , I could not be better than my Guru, I would never want to be better than my Guru but yes I will make a two year old child a better photographer a human photographer than all my Gurus.. and because she is my grand daughter there is an affinity of soul and blood too.

Photography is not camera aperture or Fuck F stops its a poetry of life and the computer , the net has made it easier for the Guru and the chela too..imagery is what matters seeing God in the puddles of a gutter is photography and not just shooting him through stained window pains of a cathedral..

Yes I am a gutter photographer I shoot life's gutter that runs across my soul and I let the waters of the gutter touch the soul of a two year old photographer too..

And you dont have to agree with me at all or my views I speak for myself and my grand daughter ..imagine writing this beneath a picture at a camera club .. forget reading it they might think I have lost it.. I almost did.. Not Anymore ..

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube