Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Shoot Hijras

I shoot hijras as a nature photographer shoots migrating birds like flamingos in flight ..
I shoot hijras I show you their misery despair pedestrian plight morning day and night
I shoot hijras so a comatose holier than thou government will scrap article 377 alright
I shoot hijras better than other photographers up close without giving them a fright
I shoot hijras poetize their lives testicular tragedy fucked fortitude on my website
I shoot hijras thanks to my hijra guru Laxmi Narayan Tripathi Haji Malang at midnight
I shoot hijras to prove god robbed them of their androgynous birthright an eternal fire that man dressed as a woman loves to ignite ...same sex lovers beneath a winding sheet seminally stained tantric throes and delight

dedicated to laxmi narayan tripathi..my hijra guru metrosexual hijra goddess all bright

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube