Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Haji Malang the Hijra Paradise

Year after year despite all odds I come to Haji Malang Kalyan , I climb a mountain bare feet , when I say climb , I dont merely walk, I take a rough path, my feet diabetic by nature bleed , but I move ahead what I shoot on this path I include as street photography.. the unending street of Life.

As a photographer I have miles to go, as technology keeps changing I shoot with a single camera Nikon D80 though my mentor Dr Glenn Losack MD has sent me another D80 body, I dont envy the sizzling equipment that other photographers possess.. because the greatest instrument is the camera of the mind ..pictures come you dont need to go to the mountains sometimes the mountain comes to the photographer too.

Earlier photographers from big camera clubs looked at me with disdain as I called myself a photo blogger ..Fuck I gave free what they sold as commerce , this is what hurt the Marwari stock library man too..but who cares philanthropy is sharing ones culture and I have done just that for over 5 years on the Internet.

I dont begrudge photographers who make money it is their prerogative I chose Photography as a means to attain peace and holistically use it as a medium of Healing..I need money badly , to cover my rising liabilities but I try to make it through my only source of income- Tailoring clothes.

I shoot shit literally ..you see it as pictures on the viewfinder of your mind.. why I shoot shit is a question for me and my mind only. I am not into Fuck F stops and nor into Fuck Vision or Fuck anything else..

I shoot because God had been kind to me , I show you his world and how unkind we are to God most of the time..

I once shot beggar Muslim women I could undrape their pain from the hijab on their faces of course such was the power of my minds lens , but now I am tired , nothing can change the regressive Muslim world.. Screw Human rights the rights of a women is a totally neglected feature I see around me, I talk about my surroundings and not your petro dollar littered back yard....

I shot their depressing state but it gets more depressing day by day..and than I wonder that the hijra wants to be nothing but a woman ..yes I shoot Hijras and show you their positive karma..I find hijras more at home with the reality of their godforsaken lives they rise , they get rich but it is through their struggle only and not because of mainstream society..

Now I will tell you I met a very rich man retired he has taken Fakiri, but wants to bed a hijra so he whispered this in my ears and I just kept quiet..I dont condemn or pre judge..its his choice..but I cant pimp for his obsession , that is why I deleted a lot of Facebook contacts kept my chat offline ..
At Flickr I dont add people who maybe trans gender and are into pon groups or have naked pictures as favorites I am not interested in seeing how endowed you are I dont need to re act like Sharukh Khan. and the print out of his Xrayed body part .

Sexuality as charter is what you are in the dark..

I will now give you a Facebook dialogue between me and a person who sent me a message I did tell him I would blog his messages ..they touched me a lot and I like to share it with all of you..

Lets call him B

His message
February 12 at 3:49am
I really like your great work for Hijdas, I highly appreciate it, These are one of the most neglected people in our society. i am the admirer of hijdas so I am sending you a friend request. I hope you will make your friend at face Book. thanks


Firoze Shakir February 12 at 7:17am
thanks i will , but hijras is not the only thing that makes up my life ...

February 12 at 5:04pm
I know you are a religious shia, who perform matam and all those things. Plus you have covered soofisim also through different shrines. Not only this you also covered other religions like Hindusisim and Christianity. But my point is to my knowledge no other professional photographer give importance to the most neglected community Hijras. As I am from Pakistan, they are really in miserable condition. To my observation Hijras in India are in better condition than in Pakistan, maybe i am wrong also.
Wish you all the best for your all good work.
Take care

thank you wish you well
take care
might use your words without your name on my post..

Sure plz as you feel comfortable
Wish you all the best


Firoze Shakir February 12 at 9:03pm

You are very welcome. Whenever you visit San Francisco in USA. Please let me know. I like to meet you.
Take care

Firoze Shakir February 13 at 12:22am
dont think it will ever happen entrenched in mumbai but happy where i am //

So now you know what a photo blog can do to two souls millions of miles away..though I know wife thinks if my blogs bought in money she would be more amiable kind than she normally is..and my spots my stripes are at war with my restless soul..

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube