Monday, October 29, 2007

Green light says go

Green light says go
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

I have done an entire series on beggar kids at Bandra where I stay called Turner Road Traffic Signal, these kids onece ruled with impunity , but their nemesis anti begging law caught up with them, to escape being caught by the police, sent to remand homes , losss of freedom,made them move away from here but I have captured their natural life , their ups their downs, the tragedy often was I shot them as kids later to find little children at their waist , a single night made them a child mother..

Ritu Kumars label
A fashion statement identity
Outside her fashion studio
Spotlight on poverty
Fill in light..
Average reading
Of snarling traffic turner road
Running , limping
Begging alms
Motionless gravity
Lepers , hijdas fruit sellers for
Some pass time company
Motivala jewelers , Popleys
Stomach Restaurant
garbage can always empty
nakedness unwashed clothes
lying at Fashion Laundry.

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