Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Visitor Comments about YOU as a poet

Visitor Comments about YOU as a poet
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Date & Time: 9/18/2006 1:10:00 PM
Comment about: firoze shakir (photographerno1)
Member: Foster Blaine
Comment: Nothing to be found here; criticism and complaints with no viable alternatives. This is exploitation of the word poetry.. Prostituion awaits the reader.

Thank you foster blaine
This becomes my favorite poem
1090 th poem
Your prophetic words like bullet shots on my asss train
A new happiness a caress devoid of pain
With your words Firoze Shakir
Is finally slain
In you and your screwed up
American racial profiling consciousness
The best of me ingrain
For resurrecting me a as a prostituted
Poet in vain..
Heavy are the manacles of your words
With which you a more gifted poet my inner most feelings explain
On google search I have made you more
Famous a poetic sanitary pad
And a drying clotted
Menstrual blood stain
That is reflected in a vain glorious creature called
Foster Blaine.
A voice in a silver casket
That holds everything but brain..
Thank you Foster Blaine

this as an old poem last heard Foster Blaine was sento Iraq for miltary and returned in a silver caket
buried with honors in Poem Hunter Racist Poets Graveyard, next to him lise James Foulk, he walked in his sleep into the face of a speeding train, a liitle further lies Ivan Donne Carsewll he was bittn by a mad India dog, he died in pain of hypodermia, the mound that you see close to the public toilet is the grave of Allen James Saywell, he died of shock , he put his finger in a socket thinking it was a lady poets orifice, he leaves behind Gangubai the Gonorrheal Whore and little Allen James Saywell Junior...
he has made Little Bim Bombay Boy to look after his family ,and all his wealth too including his limericks and unpublished poetry he has left to Jefferson Carter Poet God of Poemhunter Forum fame

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