Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hornets Nest Poem Hunter Revisted

Little insects
living in a hornets nest
don’t harm their own
mutual compatibility
blindness to faults
of their own kind
a love of true living bind
but here living as poets
on a street pavement
of a cyberspace
that does not belong to us
we who write about love god
all human sentiments
faults find
blind folded hate
essence of human living
killing each other
self suicidal mantra
of menopausal mankind
the white superior race
can’t do without kicking
a black or a brown behind
superiority of a pompous
pedantic piss ass poet mind
perhaps everything no mind
living in a ghetto of reflected glory
of an incurable sickness
a poet’s corner quarantined
made in a poets heart
god have mercy
poisonous fumes unwind
if not today , tomorrow perhaps
to obscurity will be consigned
poets hornets nest at poem hunter
not just words as poetry
but multicolored hate enshrined
all vying to lay the queen bee
to many queen bees wanting to be poets
visits on this poets ass
number of hits
today’s favorite
as a poets statistics of more hate
i was not aware of this aspect when i registered
as a member on the dotted line signed
not just poetry but the rest of me
badly bruised maligned

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