Friday, August 24, 2007

The Half Man at Haji Ali

Photo courtesy
© Glenn M. Losack

man is he with genitals
manhood testicular fortitude
has the world in his hands
man coward and superman
a biological man
neither woman nor man
a travesty of birth
with the trappings of a woman such man
as they call a hijda man
hearmophrodite man
than you have the alpha man
the metrosexual man
but this man at haji ali with half a torso
shot by glenn losack an american
photo taking man
shows a creative god mocking man
when he decided enough is enough
man or no man
he created just a torso
calling it the half man
puppets of a lesser god
god in the image of man
man god as god man
the rise and the fall of man

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