Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cobbled Sleep

Cobbled Sleep
Originally uploaded by flickr photographerno1
The Drunken Creep
Cobbled Sleep
at home
his wife and children weep
he made a sober promise
he wont keep
he is pissed out
in his somnolence
his urine
from his pants does seep
his salary pick pocketed
while he is asleep
a garbage
human junk heap
what you sow
is what you reap
drunken doldrums
alcoholic dreams
at home
the family the shouts
the cries and impotent screams
the unpaid house rent, school fees,
a mistress holed up
at peela house in the cages
that someone else
in his absence will please
a cockless existence
testicled talk tease
final solution
his neck, the noose
his cirrhosis ravaged soul
hung to dry from the trees
an empty bottle
country liquor
wont appease

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