Saturday, July 28, 2007

I Firoze Shakir Photographerno1 Unmounded

Mound is not the one you associate with a sexually physical fecundity..
My Mound in this context is extraterrestrial and female sublime and supreme
Power of the mind.. that had bound me hand and feet .
And this poem is not alluding to my love life.. give me my moment of glee unspared.and unsparred..
these words haunted me all night perhaps I was in pain.. as my back is opened up and bleeding instead of my heart..

I Firoze Shakir Photographerno1
lay my head on the meadowed carpet of her Mound..
To listen to extra terrestrial sounds..
that penetrate soakingly sweet..
And reach my ears and unwound.

I Firoze Shakir Photographerno1
am Confucius.. confounded to her Mound
I search for Wisdom..wishfully ..wilting
Quilting, soul searchingly for some sound.

I Firoze Shakir Photographerno1
Bald, Bare assed and Family jewelled
Taking a dip in the holy waters of her Mound.
Did no reach surface got drowned.
Lost his family jewels..without a sound.
They are still searching uncloned unfound.

I Firoze Shakir Photographerno1
am a Whispered Word hiding in the undergrowth of her Mound
Blasphemously sentenced to sound
Till another soothingly satisfying sentence comes around.

I Firoze Shakir Photographerno1
am in love and honor bound ..tresspassing Private Property
Of her Mound..trying to loot the forbidden fruit tip toe
Sling shot no sound..
The caretaker is sleeping elsewhere million light years from her Mound..
With a pretty young lass in some other garden still unfound.

I Firoze Shakir Photographerno1
am dew drop on the open flowery unfurled petals of her Mound
Nectared honey ambered .. golden filigreed ..
And in the nether regions that abound.

I Firoze Shakir Photographerno1
am a schooner on the marshes of her Mound
I fell in love keeled over..pretentiously
To be repaired an cared
Till another boat and dashing boatswain comes around..

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