Friday, June 22, 2007

Me Icarus Fallen In Love

photo courtesy google images

She wears a wantonly sensuous burkha (veil) of delight
She won’t allow her face to be seen in spectered light.

Her curvaceous form is a pleasure to my ‘cataracted’ sight.
Blossoms of her laden fruit a pompous posterior very tight.

And her silken slippery lips like juicy apple bites.
And her blushing brown eyes..Eye lashed to my insight

And she fades away each time I touch her bosom..
Like a baby fawn in fright..
Me a web-footed woozy wobbly dwarf
She my poetically sleeping Snow White.

And this is what love does to me..Internetted.. And wired is my plight..
Pushed by Daedalus me Icarus falling from a great height.

Just once, only once my crushed skull on her bedsite.
I will finally get to sleep ..merged in the darkness of her night.

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